Michael Tallon Michael Tallon

Hope, the Daughter of Love.

I’ve been in the wilderness for a while, trying to find peace, perspective, and a path forward. I think I share that sense of dislocation with most of you. These are some deeply dark days.

That sense has led to a strong impulse toward flight. So, for the past month, I've fled - as far away from the present darkness as I could find, away from the political, religious, ethnic, sectarian, tribal, and even technological blinders of the present day. When I began to flee, I wasn’t sure what I was looking for or where I'd go, but I knew it was not here in the present moment of loss, agony, and pain.

I’ve lived much of my life this way. When confronted by a great fear or a situation I do not understand, I see which way the crowd is running, and I bolt the other way. That goes a long way to explaining why I live down here in Guatemala rather than near my family and friends back north.

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